Episode 33. Taking Care Of Yourself And Others During The Coronavirus

In this week’s episode of You Are Infinitely Loved, we’re talking about practical tools you can use to help you during these chaotic and uncertain times. We talk about the different responses people are having to the virus, and why it’s important not to judge yourself or anyone else’s response during this time.

We look at the best ways you can take care of yourself when anxiety and stress are running high. Whether it’s your physical health, your mental health or your social health, we give you suggestions for practices you can experiment with in each of these areas.

We talk about the importance of monitoring the media you’re consuming during this time and the very real effect that the news and the over-saturation of negative media can have on your physical and mental health. On the flip side, we also talk about how you can actively seek out positive sources of information in the online space and we share some of our favourite people to follow on social media.

And to finish this week’s episode, I lead us through a 7min Loving Kindness meditation, to ground us all in an energy of love and compassion for our world. As always, thanks for listening. 

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