Episode 27. Resentment-Proof Your Holidays

It’s that time of year again! The holidays can be a tricky season to navigate - emotions run high, social and family commitments appear left, right and centre and this creates a perfect storm for a lot of us to be triggered. So what can you do to ensure you’re not only surviving the holiday season, you’re actually thriving? And how can you resentment-proof the season so you arrive on the other side feeling calm and ready for the new year?

In this week’s episode, we dive into the topic of boundaries and why it’s so important to learn how to implement boundaries effectively, particularly at this time of year. After all, the holidays can be a hotbed for potential resentment because we often feel over committed and obligated to do a whole lot of things we don’t want to do. And the way you protect yourself from feeling this resentment, is by setting healthy boundaries and taking responsibility for your choices. We’ll take you through a simple tool to help you work out what boundaries you need to set, and we’ll also discuss why making more intentional choices at this time of year is one of the best things you can do.

Lindsay talks about the emotional energy that family triggers and trauma can cause at this time of year, and how to make sure you’re doing things that restore your energy and meeting your own needs so you’re feeling refreshed in January rather than burnt out. The holiday season really is an invitation to you to take excellent care of yourself.

And you know what? Even if you’re feeling completely burnt out by the end of the holidays, and you didn’t quite set the boundaries you wanted to, that’s completely ok. It’s time to be gentle with yourself and practice some self-compassion.

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season from Lindsay, Koes and I.

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